Another weekend bored in the house... Check out of list of things to do for some inspiration!
It’s time to start your garden!
Spend the weekend planting seeds indoors and planning what your summer garden will be like. List of GTA garden centres:
Check out this City of Toronto resource of activities & classes over all seasons for all ages to enjoy in the comfort of your home.
Feeling housebound? Now is the time to seek your adventure the only way you can, safely and inexpensively. Happy virtual traveling!
Then, try dishes from almost every continent at Toronto’s World Food Market.
Shop Canada’s newest Vegan virtual marketplace
NExT: The Future of Art Exhibition 2.0
A Celebration of Black Futures
Check out online and outdoors in a window exhibit at the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts
until May 11th
Spring Awakening Online Concert
Join the Department of Arts, Culture and Media from the University of Toronto Scarborough for this online Concert
A Virtual Music Trivia Night hosted by Alan Cross!
Alan’s syndicated radio show, Ongoing History of New Music, has over 9,000 episodes so there is a lot of music knowledge to tap into and to test the trivia participants.
Over 40? Have you signed up for your vaccination?
And as always continue to #staysafe and #wearamask
