Another weekend in lockdown? How is everyone coping? Bored?
Check out our list of safe things to do this weekend below.
Missing weekends brunch out? Why not order in from your favourite place or cook up the ultimate brunch!
You must try this French toast made with ice cream and fried in butter, decadent!
Bundle up and get outside for a winter walk.
Try the The Don Valley or Tommy Thompson Park/Leslie Street Spit trails.
After coming in from the cold, warm up with one of these seven different hot chocolate recipes
Learn to play solitaire
Learn to play solitaire with two people
East Toronto Main Streets Virtual Market
Join us for a FREE virtual shopping experience to explore the local businesses of East Toronto (Don River to the Bluffs, and O’Connor to the Lake). Think of this as a virtual version of a Midnight Madness or Sidewalk Sale.
SAT 3 – 6 PM
DesignTO, formerly the Toronto Design Offsite Festival, brings you 10 days filled with immersive installations, fantastic exhibitions, engaging talks, and more design and art than ever before.
Jan 22-31
Saturday Farmers Market at Evergreen Brick Works
Evergreen's Saturday Farmers Market runs year-round, connecting people in Toronto to local Ontario farmers and producers.

And as always continue to #staysafe and #wearamask